ZF - Lean goes digital

ZF - Lean goes digital

Are digital production platforms, virtual twins and Plug&Produce apps the new shining lights for tomorrow's production? In fact, pioneers like the automotive supplier ZF in Saarbrücken see a new steep development on the way to more productivity even in existing factories.

#Lernreise #FabrikderZukunft

192.00 €
per year (annual billing) 16.0 EUR 192.00 €
192.00 €
Responsible Laura Hinze
Last Update 02/08/2024
Completion Time 9 hours 12 minutes
Members 7020
ZF Fabrik der Zukunft Lernreise
  • Tag 1
    • Digitalization at ZF - Digital Manufacturing Startegy
    • 1. Sustainability @ ZF Group 2. Sustainability @ Division Electrified Powertrain Technology
  • Tag 2
    • 1. sustainability @ Division Electrified Powertrain Technology - OPERATIONS 2. sustainability at the Saarbrücken site