On the way to the Hardware+ company

On the way to the Hardware+ company

In the future, BSH Hausgeräte GmbH is to be not just a hardware company, but a "hardware+" company. But how will this change take shape? What opportunities and challenges need to be considered and what role do PLM and I4.0 play in this?

#Lernreise #TransformationLive #Industrie4.0

192.00 €
per year (annual billing) 16.0 EUR 192.00 €
192.00 €
Responsible Moritz Ocker
Last Update 09/08/2021
Completion Time 9 hours 34 minutes
Members 7109
BSH Digital transformation Industry 4.0 Lernreise
  • Key Notes
    • Data Driven Business Models
  • Werksführung
    • Factory tour Station 2: BigData, AI