Industry 4.0 @Operations

Industry 4.0 @Operations

How will production be fit for the digital age? What happens to the existing machinery? And how do you deal with individual customer needs that could previously only be met by a single manufactory? The connector technology manufacturer HARTING is facing precisely these challenges and will be demonstrating its implementation status live in production.
Industry 4.0, networking, logistics, batch size 1

#Lernreise #Industrie4.0

192.00 €
per year (annual billing) 16.0 EUR 192.00 €
192.00 €
Responsible Moritz Ocker
Last Update 05/08/2021
Completion Time 4 hours
Members 7109
Harting Industry 4.0 Lernreise
  • Key Notes
    • Industry 4.0 @ Harting
    • Quo Vadis injection moulding
  • Tour of the factory
    • Station 1: HR - The employee in the focus of digitisation
    • Free Preview
    • Question and answer session 4: Model factory