Flexibility Factory - Future made in Rohrbach

Flexibility Factory - Future made in Rohrbach

Under the motto " Flexibility Factory - Future made in Rohrbach " we take a look behind the scenes of the largest FESTO plant in Europe. Festo describes itself as a learning company. Our host Jürgen Otto puts it in a nutshell: "Good qualification ensures good processes and good performance". Thus, the Learning Factory I 4.0 impressively demonstrates how to actively involve employees in the digital transformation. The second common thread is the topic of flexibility. How can you react quickly and cost-effectively to customer wishes and produce batch size 1 with zero set-up time automatically?

#Lernreise #Industrie4.0

192.00 €
per year (annual billing) 16.0 EUR 192.00 €
192.00 €
Responsible Laura Hinze
Last Update 16/05/2024
Completion Time 10 hours 3 minutes
Members 7160
Festo Industry 4.0 Lernreise
  • Tag 1
    • Workshop 1: Digital Learning