The green factory live - pioneer Bosch shares its experience April
We will be happy to send you an offer for your internal order request process. This offer is not yet a binding registration.
You can start the binding registration process by clicking on the "Register" button in the top right-hand corner.
For organisational reasons, the number of participants is limited to 22! You must complete this registration to be bindingly registered.
The registration deadline is March 31, 2023. The organizer reserves the right to make changes to the schedule. For organizational reasons, the number of participants is limited to 22. Participants will be considered in the order in which they register. The organizer reserves the right to reject registrations for competitive reasons.
The participation fee per person is € 1,090 plus VAT. This fee includes conference documents, refreshments during breaks and lunch. The invoice will be sent to you shortly before the event.
The general terms and conditions apply.
Hotel overview
Schlossberg-Höhen-Straße 1
66424 Homburg
Tel. +49 (0)6841 / 666 0
Fax. +49 (0)6841 / 666 700
Preis pro Nacht 92€ inkl. Frühstück
Stichwörter: macils, grüne Fabrik, Bosch
Hotel Rabenhorst
Am Rabenhorst 1
66424 Homburg
Tel. +49 (0)6841 / 93 30 0
Fax. +49 (0)6841 / 93 30 30
Preis pro Nacht 95€ inkl. Frühstück
Stichwörter: macils, grüne Fabrik, Bosch