Employee-oriented production system
Bild: Schmitz Cargobull
Die Smart Trailer World -
Schmitz Cargobull
Erfahren Sie mehr über die smarten Transportlösungen bei Schmitz Cargobull
Under the motto: " Employee-oriented production system " we will take a closer look at 20 years of experience with the multiple award-winning Schmitz Production System (SPS). Through the intensive involvement of the employees via a distinct workshop culture, the philosophy is lived across the board in production and administration. Methods and tools like Design Thinking, SCRUM or Legozumi support the employees in their daily improvement work.
Get to know the exemplary "Lean Philosophy" live. Consolidate successful tools and working methods in rolling workshops.
Introduction of Schmitz Cargobull AG
"Moving forward together" Strategy, project culture, management culture
Factory tour in 10 stops:
From the training workshop to the training centre
Customer contact in logistics
Workshop design
Continuous data processing & process optimization
Evaluation of disturbances and derivation of measures
Shift handover & Legozumi
Springer planning
Digitalization in Logistics
Day 2
6 in-depth workshops:
Design Thinking
single piece flow

Your contactperson
Laura Hanisch
- Projektmanager Events -
Tel.: (+49) 711 / 737 344 23