Thinking from the customer
Axana SautermeisterDone
Project management and practical implementation of projects
Axana SautermeisterDone
Individual project consultation with experts from Bosch or Fraunhofer IPA (selection depending on the project)
Transferring developed functions into digital tools
Andreas SchlerethDone
Tour of the Future Work Lab
Henry HimmelstoßDone
Introduction to Day 3
Steffen HespingDone
Basics of Human-Robot Collaboration (HRC)
Thomas KochDone
Big Data and Smart Data
Axana SautermeisterDone
Feedback and conclusion Module 2
Axana SautermeisterDone
Arrival and welcome
Dr. Paul ThiemeDone
Basics of production control
Location: Plenum
16/09/2021, 03:00
16/09/2021, 04:00
(Eastern Daylight Time)
(1 hour)
Andreas Schlereth
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
at Fraunhofer IPA