What role will MES/MOM play in the factory of the future? - Fronius and Fraunhofer

Registrations are closed

Hotel overview

 Here you can find our hotel recommendations.

Best Western Plaza Hotel

 Adlerstraße 1, 4600, Wels

from 90 euro  p.p

Hotel am Grünbachplatz

Grünbachstraße 1, 4600 Wels

from 62 euro p.p

Boutique Hotel Hauser

Bäckergasse 7, 4600, Wels

from 97 euro p. p

Q & A

1. How can I participate or register myself and my colleagues?

You can register via the "Register" button in the upper right corner by 17.07.2022 at the latest. After successful registration you will receive a confirmation email and a link for participation. Click on the link at the specified time and you will be part of the event.

2. I have not received a confirmation email, what can i do?

Please contact us under Tel: 0711 7373 44-12 or under alina.bruehmann@macils.de so that we can verify your registration.

3. What do I need to participate in the event?

Please bring suitable safety shoes for the plant tour.

4. How can I give feedback?

The feedback sheet will be fillable in the follow-up.

5. How many people can participate per company?

Per company you can register with the number of participants you have booked. For questions and additional participants please contact Ms. Alina Brühmann. 

6. In which language will the event take place?

The event will be in german.

We are looking forward to meeting you!


22 November 2022

Start - 08:00 Wednesday

23 November 2022

End - 16:00

macils. management-centrum gmbh, Alina Brühmann

+49 711 73734412