Best Practice Nuggets

Best Practice Nuggets

Die besten Fabriken und Managementkonzepte aus erster Hand
Arbeit 4.0, Digitale Transformation, Industrie 4.0, Lean Management, Kaizen/KVP, Mitarbeitermanagement, Operational Excellence, Save the planet, Geschäftsmodellinnovationen

Verantwortlich Moritz Ocker
Zuletzt aktualisiert 21.03.2022
Zeitaufwand 7 Stunden 58 Minuten
Mitglieder 9176
Arbeit 4.0 Digitale Transformation Geschäftsmodellinnovationen Industrie 4.0 Kaizen / KVP Lean Management Mitarbeitermanagement Operational Excellence Save the planet

Bosch soll ab 2020 klimaneutral sein [Bosch]

In an effort to reduce the company’s environmental footprint, Bosch has long been focused on rigorous environmental management. Now we want to do even more.

Starting next year, in 2020, Bosch will already be carbon neutral at its 400 locations worldwide. To achieve this ambitious goal, we have a strategy focusing on two short-term and two long-term levers.

More information is also available at

Save the planet
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Bosch soll ab 2020 klimaneutral sein [Bosch]

In an effort to reduce the company’s environmental footprint, Bosch has long been focused on rigorous environmental management. Now we want to do even more.

Starting next year, in 2020, Bosch will already be carbon neutral at its 400 locations worldwide. To achieve this ambitious goal, we have a strategy focusing on two short-term and two long-term levers.

More information is also available at